Easy Join EasyJoin by Felipe Milioni

Data Collection and Usage Policy

Easy Join does not collect any data of any kind from its users. We do not employ any mechanisms for data collection, including but not limited to cookies, analytics tools, advertising networks, or third-party SDKs.

Data Sharing

As Easy Join does not collect any data, there is no data shared with any third parties.

Data Protection

While no data is collected, we affirm that any potential future data collection will adhere to stringent privacy protection standards. Any third parties with whom data might be shared in the future will be required to provide the same level of data protection as stated in this policy.

Data Retention and Deletion

Since no data is collected, there are no data retention policies in place.

Revoking Consent and Data Deletion

As there is no data collected, there is no mechanism for users to revoke consent or request deletion of their data.